18 research outputs found

    Deep learning architectures for Computer Vision

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    Deep learning has become part of many state-of-the-art systems in multiple disciplines (specially in computer vision and speech processing). In this thesis Convolutional Neural Networks are used to solve the problem of recognizing people in images, both for verification and identification. Two different architectures, AlexNet and VGG19, both winners of the ILSVRC, have been fine-tuned and tested with four datasets: Labeled Faces in the Wild, FaceScrub, YouTubeFaces and Google UPC, a dataset generated at the UPC. Finally, with the features extracted from these fine-tuned networks, some verifications algorithms have been tested including Support Vector Machines, Joint Bayesian and Advanced Joint Bayesian formulation. The results of this work show that an Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve of 99.6% can be obtained, close to the state-of-the-art performance.El aprendizaje profundo se ha convertido en parte de muchos sistemas en el estado del arte de múltiples ámbitos (especialmente en visión por computador y procesamiento de voz). En esta tesis se utilizan las Redes Neuronales Convolucionales para resolver el problema de reconocer a personas en imágenes, tanto para verificación como para identificación. Dos arquitecturas diferentes, AlexNet y VGG19, ambas ganadores del ILSVRC, han sido afinadas y probadas con cuatro conjuntos de datos: Labeled Faces in the Wild, FaceScrub, YouTubeFaces y Google UPC, un conjunto generado en la UPC. Finalmente con las características extraídas de las redes afinadas, se han probado diferentes algoritmos de verificación, incluyendo Maquinas de Soporte Vectorial, Joint Bayesian y Advanced Joint Bayesian. Los resultados de este trabajo muestran que el Área Bajo la Curva de la Característica Operativa del Receptor puede llegar a ser del 99.6%, cercana al valor del estado del arte.L’aprenentatge profund s’ha convertit en una part importat de molts sistemes a l’estat de l’art de múltiples àmbits (especialment de la visió per computador i el processament de veu). A aquesta tesi s’utilitzen les Xarxes Neuronals Convolucionals per a resoldre el problema de reconèixer persones a imatges, tant per verificació com per identificatió. Dos arquitectures diferents, AlexNet i VGG19, les dues guanyadores del ILSVRC, han sigut afinades i provades amb quatre bases de dades: Labeled Faces in the Wild, FaceScrub, YouTubeFaces i Google UPC, un conjunt generat a la UPC. Finalment, amb les característiques extretes de les xarxes afinades, s’han provat diferents algoritmes de verificació, incloent Màquines de Suport Vectorial, Joint Bayesian i Advanced Joint Bayesian. Els resultats d’aquest treball mostres que un Àrea Baix la Curva de la Característica Operativa del Receptor por arribar a ser del 99.6%, propera al valor de l’estat de l’art

    Autogenous teeth used for bone grafting : a systematic review

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    Recently, bone graft materials using permanent teeth have come to light, and clinical and histological outcomes of this material have been confirmed by some studies. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the reliability of the autogenous tooth bone graft material applied to alveolar ridge augmentation procedures. A systematic review of literature was conducted analyzing articles published between 2007 and 2017. The following four outcome variables were defined: a) implant stability b) post-operative complication c) evaluation of implant survival and failure rates, and d) histological analysis. A total of 108 articles were identified; 6 were selected for review. Based on the PICO (problem, intervention, comparison, outcome) model, the chief question of this study was: Can patients with alveolar ridge deficiency be successfully treated with the autogenous teeth used as bone graft? The mean primary stability of the placed implants was 67.3 ISQ and the mean secondary stability was 75.5 ISQ. The dehiscence of the wound was the most frequent complication with a rate of 29.1%. Of the 182 analyzed implants, the survival rate was 97.7% and the failure rate was 2.3%. In the histological analysis, most of studies reported bone formation. There is insufficient evidence regarding the effects of autogenous teeth used for bone grafting to support any definitive conclusions, although it has been shown clinically safe and good bone forming capacity, and good results are shown about implant stability

    Guided Bone Regeneration of an Atrophic Maxilla Using Heterologous Cortical Lamina

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    Alloplastic dental implants are currently the best way to replace lost teeth. In order to achieve good function and prognosis of dental implants, having bone and soft tissue to support them is necessary. When the amount of bone left is not enough to ensure the outcome of the implant, techniques such as shorts implants, zygomatic implants, or guided bone regeneration have been used. Even though autologous bone is mostly the 'gold standard,' other biomaterials such as xenografts have led to the reduction of the morbidity of treatments and to the improvement of the regeneration technique outcomes. We present a clinical case of severe atrophy of the maxilla in which we used different types of biomaterials: heterologous cortical lamina, xenograft and autologous bone, and microscrews

    A Double Case: Socket Shield and Pontic Shield Techniques on Aesthetic Zone

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    When a tooth is extracted, a bone remodeling of the alveolar process occurs irretrievably. Various techniques have emerged over time to maintain the thickness of the bone crest in fixed prosthetics on teeth and implants. The socket shield and pontic shield techniques are aimed at minimizing buccal bone remodeling, especially in the aesthetic area. We present a case of an aesthetic sector rehabilitated with partial fixed denture using the socket shield and pontic shield techniques

    Osteonecrosis de los maxilares: actualización a propósito de un caso clínico

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    La Osteoquimionecrosis maxilar (ONM /OQNM) es una complicación asociada al tratamiento farmacológico con bifosfonatos (orales o intravenosos) y anticuerpos monoclonales (Denosumab y Bevacizumab). Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal revisar la literatura más reciente sobre el tema, actualizando los conocimientos referentes a la prevención y el manejo de la ONM. Para ello, realizamos una búsqueda de los artículos de revisión publicados en los últimos 5 años en las principales bases de datos (PubMed, Scielo y Cochrane) utilizando el término MeSH: "Bisphosphonate- Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw"

    A literature review and case report of hand, foot and mouth disease in an immunocompetent adult

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    Background: to report an uncommon case of hand, foot and mouth disease, (HFMD) in an immunocompetent adult; a highly infectious disease, characterized by the appearance of vesicles on the mouth, hands and feet, associated with coxsackieviruses and enteroviruses; including a literature review. Case report: a 23 year Caucasian male with no medical or surgical history, no allergies, was not taking any medication and smoked ten cigarettes a day, suffering from discomfort in the oral cavity; itching, burning and pain when swallowing associated with small erythematous lesions located on the hard palate, and small ulcers in tonsillar pillars and right buccal mucosa. Mild fever of 37.8 °C and general malaise. The patient reported he had had contact with a child diagnosed with HFMD. From his background and symptoms, the patient was diagnosed with HFMD. Following symptomatic treatment, the symptoms remitted in 7 days. Methods: a literature review in MEDLINE (PubMed). The inclusion criteria were for studies on humans over the last 5 years, using the keywords HFMD. Results: we found 925 articles, which were subsequently reduced to 52 documents after applying the inclusion criteria. Maculopapular lesions were found on hands and feet. Conclusions: dentists may have a key role diagnosing the disease. A surveillance system to predict future outbreaks, encourage early diagnosis, put appropriate public health measures in place and research vaccine development is vitally important in order to control the disease

    Short dental implants in atrophic jaws rehabilitation: update

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    Los implantes dentales cortos, aunque históricamente se han asociado a un mal pronóstico en las rehabilitaciones orales implantosoportadas, con el paso de los años y los avances en implantología, se han convertido en un tratamiento habitual en la práctica diaria de muchos clínicos, obteniendo tasas de éxito que se han incrementado recientemente hasta prácticamente igualarse a los implantes convencionales para muchos autores. La necesidad de reducir tiempos de trabajo, costes económicos y morbilidad intraoperatoria unida a la creciente demanda derehabilitaciones implanto soportadas en pacientes de un rango de edad cada vez mayor hace necesario añadirlos entre nuestras opciones rehabilitadoras implantológicas. Para ello es necesario conocer sus pros y contras y establecer unos protocolos quirúrgicos y de selección del paciente receptor

    Lemierre Syndrome associated with dental infections : report of one case and review of the literature

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    The first publication on Lemierre Syndrome appears in 1936 by Lemierre. It is defined as an ?oropharynx bacterial infection characterized by the thrombophlebitis in the internal jugular vein, derived in a systemic septic embolism?. In 81% of the cases, the Fusobacterium necrophorum is the most frequent etiologic agent. Fever is the most common symptom, but it can depending on the primary infection, tonsillitis, mastoiditis or odontogenic infection. According to the literature the mortality is very low, but with a significant morbidity, that is why the diagnosis and early treatment is very important. The diagnosis it´s clinical, even though the CT scan and other diagnosis methods (echography, MRI) help to determine the extent of the infection. It?s necessary to administrate the antibiotics endovenous at high dose, (keeping in mind that the most frequent micro organism is anaerobic), and vital support measures if neccessary. We present a case report of Lemierre Syndrome associated to an odonthogenic infection caused by the 4.8 molar

    Fractura mandibular tardía post exodoncia de molares inferiores. Caso clínico

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    La extracción del tercer molar es un procedimiento común en cirugía oral. Una de las complicaciones es la fractura mandibular. Con una incidencia postoperatoria menor a un 0.005%. Los factores que contribuyen al riesgo de fractura del ángulo mandibular después de una extracción del tercer molar incluyen el nivel de impactación, la anatomía del diente, infecciones locales previas, edad, sexo, presencia de formaciones quísticas y bruxismo entre otras. Presentamos un caso clínico de fractura mandibular postoperatoria a las cinco semanas tras la exodoncia del 47 y 48 incluidos en posición horizontal. El objetivo final del trata-miento de una fractura mandibular es la consolidación ósea manteniendo la oclusión dental. En nuestro caso, al no tratarse de una fractura que sobrepasaba las corticales y sin desplazamiento mandibular, no fue subsidiaria de un tratamiento quirúrgico y se resolvió con reposo funcional

    Building recognition with computer vision

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    In this thesis we present the design, implementation and deployment of a building recognition system. First, we have developed a pipeline to find and retrieve relevant images containing landmarks and buildings from the Internet. Moreover, we propose an unsupervised approach to clean the noise present in the classes associated with each landmark/building. This method for mining and denoising images has been presented in the WebVision Workshop at CVPR'18. Then, we introduce the full system for the building recognition module, which has been developed using different computer vision and deep learning techniques. Finally, we propose a set of experiments that show the difficulties of working with a noisy dataset, we analyze the performance of the networks based blocks and finally we show the global results of the building recognition system